Summer salads, a festival of flavours!

Summer salads, a festival of flavours!

Salads can be varied and versatile dishes, complete and healthy, allowing a whole range of ingredients to be combined. Beyond fresh onion, lettuce and tomato – the staples of a seasonal salad – you can mix in different flavours, including meat, fish, cheese or fruit, adding loads of flavour with the myriad options available.

For example, toss a butter lettuce with sliced peach and a shredded quarter of grilled chicken, or with fennel and apple, or add the sweetness of a fruit like strawberries and the salty notes of feta cheese. Dress any of these with a good drizzle of olive oil and balsamic vinegar, and you’ll have a satisfying meal that is quick and easy to prepare. 

Another more elaborate but very refreshing recipe is a watermelon salad with sardines and balsamic vinaigrette. To make this, first marinate the sardine fillets in vinegar, with water and a pinch of salt, and leave them in the fridge for four hours. Then spread them out on a tray, cover with olive oil, and leave to rest for an hour. Meanwhile get together a few watermelon balls and several slices of tomato, previously blanched and peeled, and some grapes if they’re in season. Serve all this on a bed of rocket and lamb’s lettuce, or any variety of lettuce or endive. Dress with the oil from the marinade and coarse salt.

All these combinations and ingredients can be found in the Caprabo supermarket on the ground floor of illa Carlemany, which offers a wide range of fruit, vegetables, fish, meat, and everything else, to make your salad a delicious, easy-to-prepare dish that will dazzle your guests’ palates. Bon appetit!

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