Category: Andorra in Fair Weather

Welcome back to Andorra!

Welcome back to Andorra!

As of today, with the end of the state of emergency decreed by the Spanish Government, nationals and residents of Spain, Andorra’s southern neighbour, can once again cross the border into the Principality. This marks the end of a rather strange situation, for even though the borders were not officially kept closed, in practice, visitor...

22 June, 202022 June, 2020by
The poet’s narcissus, the national flower of Andorra

The poet’s narcissus, the national flower of Andorra

With our confinement, the environment has enjoyed a moment of peace and quiet. Pollution rates have gone down, we have begun to hear silence, and in many places, the animals have lost their fear of wandering into the now deserted city spaces, which are free of people, vehicles and activity. Hence, it seems that our...

11 May, 202011 May, 2020by
Enjoying Andorra while discovering nature

Enjoying Andorra while discovering nature

In these days of COVID-19 confinement and uncertainty, we want to propose a virtual outing to a very special place in Andorra: Lake Engolasters. We invite you to listen to the murmur of nature by closing your eyes, opening your soul and soaking up in the peace, quiet and tranquillity of the water, the wind...

6 April, 202031 March, 2020by
Cirque du Soleil celebrates 10 years of Illa Carlemany

Cirque du Soleil celebrates 10 years of Illa Carlemany

Illa Carlemany is one of the sponsors of the Cirque du Soleil which is in Andorra from June 29 to July 28 to perform “REBEL”, a unique event in Europe. Cirque du Soleil’s performances are from Tuesdays to Saturdays and there is a special final performance on Sunday July 28 in a large tent in...

18 July, 20194 July, 2019by
3 ways to enjoy Andorra in spring

3 ways to enjoy Andorra in spring

Nestled in the middle of the Pyrenees with more than 300 km of ski slopes it seems impossible not to think of Andorra as the ultimate winter holiday destination. However, when ski season is over, and the tens of peaks of over 2,000 meters high are no longer covered in snow, there are still many...

7 May, 201920 May, 2019by
Town festivals, music series and performances/shows

Town festivals, music series and performances/shows

With the arrival of the fair weather, Andorrans come out to the streets to enjoy their festivals, once again mixing tradition, festivities, music and performance. Aside from the music and concert series in the streets, which are mainly offered in the afternoons and in virtually all the parishes, the town festival celebrations fill the summer...

4 March, 201920 May, 2019by


This thousand-year-old culture can be seen and felt in the many examples of Romanesque art that dot the country. The museums, art and traditions also provide insight to the history and way of life of the people and institutions of these valleys. La Casa de la Vall, which has housed the Andorran parliament for centuries,...

4 March, 201924 September, 2019by
Discover singular landscapes while enjoying sports

Discover singular landscapes while enjoying sports

Discover singular landscapes while enjoying sports When the snow melts away, a different Andorra is revealed. With 90% of its land surface allocated to nature areas, the possible ways to enjoy the Principality are virtually endless, with options for all ages and all levels of expertise. Three natural parks inhabit the country: Vall de Sorteny,...

4 March, 201928 April, 2019by
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Illa Carlemany