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The ambiance, the activities for young and old, the pre-Christmas sales, the vast range of shopping and entertainment options under a single roof, the convenient car park and the supermarket where you can stock up for your holiday meals. With all these details, Christmas at illa Carlemany makes all the sense in the world. No wonder it’s Andorra’s centre!
Before the holidays, it makes all the sense in the world to hit the sales!
Què millor que anar de shopping aquests dies havent-hi ja rebaixes? A illa Carlemany, des del divendres 16 de desembre, ja se’n pot gaudir a la majoria d’establiments. Això representa un gran estalvi a l’hora de comprar els regals de Nadal i Reis, i també si volem estrenar a la nit de Cap d’Any!
What could be better than going shopping now, while the sales are happening? (enllaç a l’anunci penjat a Youtube) At illa Carlemany, as of Wednesday 16 December, the sales will be running in most of the shops. This means great savings on Christmas and other winter holiday presents, as well as New Year’s Eve preparations!
If you want presents, writing a letter to Santa Claus and the Three Kings makes all the sense in the world!
Who knows what Santa Claus or the Three Kings will bring us if they don’t know what we want! In that case, it makes all the sense in the world to write a letter and give it to them. All the better if we hand it to them in person, right?
Download here the letter to Santa Claus
Download here the letter to Three Kings
Santa Claus will be there to receive his letters at illa Carlemany on 22 and 23 December from 5 pm to 8 pm and on 24 December from 11 am to 1 pm. The Postman of the Three Kings will be collecting their letters on 3 and 4 January from 5 pm to 8 pm and on 5 January from 11 am to 1 pm.
It makes all the sense in the world to offer the very best gift wrapping!
The illa Carlemany Shopping Centre provides a gift wrapping service all year round, but at this time of the year, special gift wrapping is more necessary than ever. Bring your gifts over to the Customer Service Point, where they will wrap them up beautifully. After all, the first impression is essential! We’ve prepared bags, gift wrapping paper and ribbons to make your gifts really lovely, using all recycled and recyclable materials.
Be sure to stay up to date with all the activities offered by the illa Carlemany Shopping Centre. Really, there’s nothing better than subscribing to the newsletter!
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